August 16, 2009
“Don’t die with a book in you”, said the man up on the stage, as we watched and listened to his story while attending a break out session at the NSA Winter conference in February 2009, at Walt Disney World.
Here are Ten Questions to Ask Before Writing Your Book, by Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound.
March 7, 2009
Here are theĀ top 10, simple, key, repeatable message points from four days at The 2009 National Speakers Association Winter Conference at Walt Disney World:
1. Give a speech to change the world. Thank you, Tim Sanders , for permission and validation.
2. Love your meeting planner! Period! Love ’em. End of story. Your standing ovation won’t get you rehired as much as your excellent relationship with your meeting planner.
3. Be authentic! Most are uncomfortable with this. My advice, and the advice I heard, which validates my advice – get over your fear of being authentic – the sooner the better.
4. Network! Always! Always network. If I have to explain this one, you aren’t running your business as if you own it.
5. Own it! If you are the founder of your own business, and have used your blood, sweat and tears to build it into a profitable company, then you are crystal clear on what it takes. If you work for someone else, like I do, you may never truly understand what it takes.
6. Embrace technology! Become a technology expert. I guarantee you, this is a key differentiator between very good and excellent.
7. Share! Think abundance mentality. Avoid scarcity mentality like the plague. Give to get. End of story.
8. Take risks! A BFO. Blinding Flash of the Obvious. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
9. Dream impossible dreams! Challenge your limited (or limiting) belief system. If you don’t, who will?
10. Follow-up! It’s one thing to meet new people. It’s entirely different, and difficult, to stay in touch and develop new relationships. You must work harder than you ever have before, to do this well.