Why did jeff noel write Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit

Mid Life Celebration the book
Why did jeff noel write Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit


Why did jeff noel write Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit?

This has a lot to do with it…

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. – MLK

The other reason is because he has been bathed and baptized in love.

Great business leaders are servants.

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That sure was a long, long time to wait to earn your first dollar

Small work table at USPS office
There is no Ivory Tower for the startup entrepreneur.


It took four years, eleven months to earn the first dollar.

And in the sixth year, the goal is to go from barely earning anything to recording a profit.

Lofty with low probability because of the track record.

Yet… the law of the harvest prevails – we will reap what we sow.

The notion of 90% plan, prepare, build, 10% execute.

But once the doors open for real business (and now they officially are), the percentages begin to change.

Don’t expect the weather to cooperate with your harvest schedule.

Yet do expect to harvest.


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Ever get a pallet of life altering stuff just before Christmas?


Pallet of Mid Life Celebration books
Pallet of Mid Life Celebration books arrived six days before Christmas



Surreal how many folks know the book has been published and is available on Amazon.

Unreal how many had no idea it would happen.

Strangely, few have reached out to say congrats.

Surreal is as surreal does.

No expectation for reaching out, by the way.

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