Sand Lake Imaging

Medical practice patient restroom


(photo: An empty soap dispenser sends the wrong message, on so many levels.)

Her (the medical receptionist): Do you have an appointment?

Him: (Rather than say, did you not read the sign-in sheet after you took it from the counter top where it was filled it out in front of you?) He said, yes.

Either she thought he was lying (which is creepy) or she was on auto-pilot.

How does that make a patient feel?

One of the most important jobs a leader has is to ensure moments like these never happen.

Everyone knows their job.

Few have a compelling hopeful reason to do more than they are paid to do.

You know, the little common courtesies that aren’t so common anymore.

All day. Everyday.

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Doing great work makes us uncomfortable

Bus carrying passengers with hidden Mickey


(photo: Spot the ‘hidden’ Mickey?)

Doing great work makes us uncomfortable.

It’s difficult to achieve, and even more challenging to sustain.

Few of us have the longterm bandwidth required.

Generally, it’s only the type of work that we would die for. A purpose epitomizing… compelling.

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Orlando based speaker

Orlando based leadership speakers


(photo: Colorado State University auditorium)

What makes us incredibly excited to go to work?

Seriously, what?

Hope your answer instantaneously rolls off your tongue.

PS. After a five-week vacation, today is the first day back teaching as an Orlando based leadership speaker.

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Inspiring is our passion

orlando Based Motivational Speaker jeff noel's model for balance


(photo: page 68 from Mid Life Celebration’s work-life balance model)

Inspiring is our passion.

It’s all we think about.


Because living inspired or living uninspired is a choice – and both are difficult to maintain.

To be a catalyst for others… to choose wisely.

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He hopes he’s right

David Smith sent this email October 7… (will be parking this post at the top for a few days… please scroll down for the daily posts)…

While my faith is not Mormon, I do enjoy their YouTube Channel, especially the music. When I saw the title of this video which was spoken word, I had to listen to it. I think it describes you and what you believe and teach. I hope I’m not wrong.



Live like you mean it.