Whatever you are be a good one


This clip reminds me of how remarkable it can be to weave something you said earlier into something you say at the end.

Whenever i know i’m closing with “the Abe Lincoln story”, i make certain i begin the speech making a fuss out of how close i grew up to Gettysburg.

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Not what’s on your bookshelf

Disney books
i have not read them all. Some i have read twice. And, i have literally lived them all.


You are what you eat.



Think about your professional development.

Not what’s on your bookshelf, because all of us pad our shelves with great books we’ll never find time to read. Those great books sure look good sitting there, masquerading as part of our knowledge base.

But show me only the books you’ve consumed.

This hints at who you are.

Not a bad place to start.


However, what really tells us who you are (and who i am) are the questions we ask – how much we care about mastery.

How much we care about our art.

Something we could write a book about.

And 99.9% of us will never do it.

What if we did?


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This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


Love the outcome?

jeff noel post it note to self
It adds up when you .think .differently every day, all day.


Love the outcome?

Too often, we think our finished product is the measure of our worth.

Well, it is, truth be told.


But we know there’s something more to it yet it eludes us. Right?

Here it is…

The finished product is one part tangible thing we created, and one part who we’ve become in the process.

The insidious transformation from never quitting, over time, becomes a remarkable piece of (God’s) art.

We (our transformations) actually become the tangible product.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


Boring versus not perfect

ATT International text
Wifi is the best option. But that means no checking for messages as soon as you land. Weird.


Reliable (aka boring, because of it’s predictability ) versus something that’s not perfect, not reliable? Which would you pick? A reliably consistent speaker who entertains the audience and looks good onstage in their cuff links or pearl necklace? Or would you pick the unpredictable artist who is likely to say things that some might take offense to, or at the very least, listen in disbelief, while others – sitting beside them – have the missing link that launches their transformation?




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Why is there no soul in perfection?

Mary Poppins at Epcot's United Kingdom
Practically Perfect in every way? (photo from last night)


There is no soul in perfection.

The world is set on fire with grit, courage, art.

Are we too imperfect to be moved by perfection?

Rising from our ashes is our art.

Be that kind of artist leader.

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