Two minutes until 9:00pm

off to another day in paradise?
off to another day in paradise?

Look at the guy in the photo. Heading to work. Just another day of the same old, same old? Another chance at fame? Another day to be remarkable? Another day to complain?

At world-famous Rockefeller Center on New York’s Fifth Avenue… or inside the gates of Disney’s Magic Kingdom… every employee makes their choice how their day will go.

The effort, gallant. The 9pm deadline, missed. Was a decadent, world-famous dessert to blame?

There’s even more to the message than what you can readily see

It’s a big world, full of bright, shiny objects…

Wilderness Lodge

There’s even more to the message than what you can readily see. The post at jeff noel dot org has a more intense and more obscure message – life changing actually…

Some things in life are important every single day, not just when it’s convenient.

Insight: It’s a parent’s most important job – teach kids the mission critical stuff.

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Want work life balance? Here’s world class advice

work life balance
looks unbalanced at first glance

Five tips to a achieve work life balance from a highly respected health organization.

React to surprises the way our parents taught us. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all…

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PS. Update October 3, 2012: An incredibly well respected organization’s blog copied the WebMD Work Life Balance article word for word and posted it on their blog. The author gave WebMD credit, but in my opinion, a link back to WebMD (above) would have been a better blogging strategy than copy and paste.