Nothing makes dreams happen faster than these four things

iPhone iTunes Radio screen shot
Am I wrong?


Tonight a friend retires at age 55.

How will the people gathered there to celebrate feel about her age?

Happy and ecstatic for her?

Bitter or jealous it’s not them?

We can wish and we can hope, but nothing makes dreams come true faster than these four things:

  1. Vision
  2. Focus
  3. Discipline
  4. Patience

How can we know for sure?

Guessing our friend doesn’t know for sure, but she’s willing to move forward anyway, with a disproportionately greater sense of hope than the average.

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Dare to think unthinkable career thoughts

I work here t-shirt
Odds are we are easily replaceable. Just need to order a different sized shirt for the next person, eh?


Dare to think unthinkable career thoughts?

You mean to be authentic?


And still we (constantly) whisper to ourselves, “But I’m not the owner”.

This complicates things. The owner knows what she’s doing.

Because the owner is the one who has everything to lose. Not the dreamer who sees things from the comfort of the sidelines.

(the complainers of the world generally have no experience with the hard decisions and the competing and changing priorities of being a business owner)

(and owners so easily forget what it’s like to be frustrated on the front line)

The solution, become an owner.

Start something.

Offer something the world can’t live without.

Become so rare in your thinking that you become valuable.

Very, very valuable.

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The owner also doesn’t know everything, hence the popularity of Undercover Boss.

Dear Son, great review in the car this morning…

Two teens at Sanibel beach


(photo: July 16, 2014… At 13 he’s taller than his dad)

Dear Son, so awesome to have you home after your eight-day middle school trip to New York City.

On the list below, the first characteristic we’ve been talking about since you could talk.

The second one has been on the radar for only two weeks (pre-trip conversations).

Three and four introduced in the car going to school this morning.

  1. Honesty
  2. Behave admirably
  3. Self control
  4. Personal responsibility

Three and four deliver one and two.

You are ready for all of them now.

Your life will rise or fall on these.

It is the same for every human.

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Never any specific mention about this on any of Mid Life Celebration’s 10,000 blog posts

My Disney Experience screen shot on iPhone
Never any specific mention about this on any of Mid Life Celebration’s 10,000 blog posts.


Never any specific mention about the Disney experience (30+ years) on any of Mid Life Celebration’s 10,000 blog posts.

On purpose.


To build a separate and distinct platform without any conflict of interest.

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